How to Make Blogger Permalink format Like WordPress ??

Hey guys , How are you all ? Hope you all are Very well . Guys Here on Tech With Logic we everytime try to get Something New , something interesting for you that Had not seen anywhere else on Web . Guys we had a lot discussion about Blogging . So , if you don't Know about Blogging you can check out those articles ,on our Web site which are Very Important for you .so Guys on this way to Become a pro Blogger , today we are Going to learn that How to change Blogger Website 's Permalink format and make it like WordPress ? . Yes , guys maybe you Haven't saw this yet on other Websites . But as i said we try to take new and interesting things for you which are useful for your Blog website and your Blogger career. So guys first of all if you are a New Blogger then You should have to know some things about Permalink . So let's learn first that what is Permalink  ? What it do ? . So first let me give the answer of these frequently asked questions .

What is Permalink ?

Guys permalink is a unique link of any web address . If you write any post on Blogger then in right side under the tag section you see a permalink section . Here you generate or write Custom Permalink for Your Website . Guys as i said permalink is unique for every post , your 2 posts will Never Have the same permalink . So , when someone see your post on your website then the web address showing on top bar called permalink . It is most important for your seo also. Because it helps you to rank Higher in search engines. So the good permalink you make the higher your post will Rank . So as given Below it is the format of Permalink currently in Blogger 
So as in above link the text after the slash /your-post-title-tag.html called permalink . Yes guys this is what a permalink looks Like . So, Now you Know it that what is Permalink ? And also i told you that why it is important for your website 's Seo.
So , now let's talk that what is difference between WordPress and Blogger 's permalink ?.

What is Difference Between Blogger and WordPress website 's Permalink ?

Guys  in WordPress website you are able to change your permalink . You can manually choose that How you Want to show it . As upto 5 to 7 types you can chose it but every one chose the Below like one . -title-tag.html

Yes , guys in WordPress site 's permalink you will Not see , year and Month Before Permalink . So this is why WordPress website Ranks Higher in Search Engine then Blogger Website . Beacuse in Blogger website permalink is like below. 

Yes guys this is what in Blogger Your Website 's permalink looks Like . So search engine detect it . That WordPress site have good permalink where Blogger Website have long permalink . This is why WordPress site ranks higher than Blogger Website.
But Guys Keep reading this post and today i am going to tell you that How can you change permalink format in Blogger and make it like WordPress site .

How to Change Blogger permalink format like WordPress ?

Guys , Blogger does Not allow you to make permalink like WordPress site . But a person named Verluchie at GITHUB made a script . With that your Blogger Website 's permalink will be changed and made like WordPress . So i am going to tell you everything in simple steps . So keep following .

Step -1 :- 

       Copy the Below code and then go to your Blogger website dashboard.

Code ended already copy from <script> to </script>.

Step- 2:- 

Now go to into layout section and at anywhere add a gadget Of html and JavaScript and paste the code you copied from above . And that's it guys everything is done . nOw save it and check out in your website . Your posts links are changed . There is Nothing like year and month in your Permalink . So that's how you can changed your Blogger Website's Permalink format and make it like WordPress. 

Cons. Of doing this ?? Why Not to change Blogger 's permalink format like WordPress ?.

   Yes guys there are cons of doing all this . Because with the Links your website 's posts are ranked in google are no more . So this will affect your seo and you have to make them rank  again . So it is like doing everything from start. So i personally not recommend this method to you.

But if you are making a new site and none of your posts still ranked then you should try this . For this a big thumbs up from me . It will not affect your seo but it will make your website grow faster .

So that's for today guys. I hope you liked this article . Still have problems about it then don't feel shy to ask in comments . I will be back with another exciting article for you .
Peace !!


8/Post a Comment/Comments

  1. The author of that script is "Jokenox", not Verluchie.
    This is the original repository:

  2. Very very nice article sir
    I,m quite pleased with your every news
    Thanks for this news
    Love you sir
    Thanks a lot for it

  3. Bro use name url functionthis will not give you link


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