How to Transfer Phonepe Cashback to Bank Account ?

How to Transfer Phonepe Cashback to Bank Account ?

Sometimes Phonepe Cashback is not usable for us and we want to transfer this cashback to Bank Account but we can not able to transfer Phonepe Cashback to Bank Account because Phonepe does not allow us to transfer Phonepe Cashback to bank account but if you want to transfer your Phonepe Cashback to bank account. T

hen here in this article i will tell you a simple trick by this trick you will be able to transfer Phonepe Cashback to your associated bank account.

 So, if you want to do so then keep reading this article because here I am going to tell you the trick which you haven't seen anywhere on the internet. 

First of all, let's learn that why you need to transfer Phonepe Cashback to your Bank Account.

Why You Need to transfer Phonepe Cashback to the bank account?

Guys Phonepe gives you cash back when you use it for Recharge, Bill pay, Money transfer and much more, but you can use this cashback only in Phonpe doing recharge, Bill pay etc.

 And you can not transfer your  cashback to your Bank account but sometimes when you are out of cash and don't  want to recharge or pay bills, that time you thinks that if somehow I could transfer this Phonepe Cashback to bank account and use this cash as daily other uses where we can't use Phonepe or other online wallets.

 At that point, you want to transfer your Phonepe Cashback to your Bank account and you feel somehow I could transfer this cash back to the bank account. 

So, for that point, you will need this simple trick which I am going to tell you in this article and by this trick, you will be able to transfer your Phonepe cashback to your associated bank account at 3% GST. Yes, guys, you have to pay 3% tax as GST to transfer your Phonepe Cashback to your bank account.

So, now let's learn How to Transfer Phonepe Cashback to Bank Account with a simple trick.

How to Transfer Phonepe Cashback to Bank Account with a Simple trick?

Guys, you have to follow some simple steps to transfer your phonepe cashback to your bank account.

Let's start with the first step.

Step 1 -:
          Guys, first of all, open your phonepe application and go in the My Money section and scroll down and there you will see the Gold option. Open Gold section and Buy Gold with your Phonepe cashback which is in your Phonepe wallet.

Step 2 -:
             Now after when you bought the gold with your phonepe cashback at 3% GST , you can sell this Gold and money of the gold will transfer into your associated bank account instantly.

This is how you can transfer phonepe cashback to your bank account and you can use this money, where you can not use phonepe or other wallets.


               In this article I have shared " How to Transfer Phonepe Cashback to Bank Account , I hope you have liked this article and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comment section and share this with all your friends and others.

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