How to Disable Right Click on Blogger website ?

Hey Guys, How are you all? I hope you all are very awesome. I am your Host of Tech With Logic, Lokesh back with another exciting article for you Bloggers. Guys Here on tech with Logic we are providing quality content about Blogger. So don't forget to check other articles out.
Guys Today we are going to talk about that How can you Disable Right Click on Blogger Website?

Why disable right click?

Guys Right Click does a lot of work. In the current situation, Every Blogger wants that His Website 's content should not be stolen. Guys if you are a Blog Website owner then you know that with right click Option it is very easy on your website to surf, only for good people. Who love to read your Content, But there are some theives also who copy and paste your content into their Website. So you get competitive on the same point, so sometimes google ranks them and your whole hard work go waste. Yes, guys in today 's world everyone works hard. But some do it to a good way and some take it to a bad way.

Guys every Blogger work hard to get his article rank and get money with it, gaining traffic. He does make backlink, he does great SEO .but what happens when someone copies your whole article and paste it on his website. Your whole hard work gets wasted because someone who didn't even work a little.

So this is why you should disable the Right click option on your Blog website. Yes, I know your readers will get problems by not get doing something they want to do But still, you will get rid of some thieves who copy your hard work.

For your readers you want them to give something to copy you can provide them with a downloadable .txt file which makes them happier and also disabling right click will make you happy also.
So, that's why you should disable right click. So now without wasting time let's get to know How you can do it ??

How to disable right click on Blogger website ??

Guys, for disabling right click on your website you have to follow some simple steps which are Below. So keep reading this article and thank me later. Let's start with the first step.

Step 1:- 

Guys, first of all, you have to copy a code which is below. Don't feel troubled because I haven't disabled the right click yet.
Here's all the code start here.

<script src='demo-to-prevent-copy-paste-on-blogger_files/googleapis.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript'> if (typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined" ) { document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false" ); } else { document.onmousedown=new Function ("return false" ); document.onmouseup=new Function ("return true" ); } </script>

Code ends.
So guys start copying from <script> and end on </script> .
So now as you have copied the code let's move to step 2.

Step 2:- 

 Guys now go to your Blogger dashboard and go in the layout section and at anywhere Click on add a gadget.
Now chose HTML and JavaScript gadget.
Now paste the all the code you copied from above and Click on save.

That's it guys now you can check that on your website right click is disabled and now no one will able to copy your hard work.
So, you can sleep peacefully.

So that's for today guys. I hope you'd like this article and it is useful for you. I'll back with another exciting article for you. Till then keep smiling and don't forget to share it with your friends. Also, check out our other posts.

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