How to Backup and Restore Contacts from Google in Android?

How to Backup and Restore Contacts from Google in Android

Hey Guys, How are you all? , I hope you all are very well. I am lucky aka Lokesh back with something interesting for you all. Guys as I think every single one of you is a Smartphone user. There are billions of smartphone users in the world. Some use is from Apple and Some use Android from Google. Guys this post is for Android users though you can also use it in Your iOS smartphone. But there you can use apple 's Softwares. So this is why this post is Focused on Android users. Guys basically a phone is for calling someone whether it is Smartphone or a Normal Phone. Every person has a unique Mobile Number. The persons you Know You Save their Mobile Number on your phone or smartphone as Contacts.

Guys what Happen if your all contacts Get deleted. It could be by any way like your phone get lost/ stolen, your phone gets wasted or by any specific way.
So preventing from this issue you have to make a backup of your contacts. In normal Keypad phones, there 's nothing to get back up in. The only thing you can do is you can save up to 250 contacts in your sim card. In that case, if your phone goes then your sim also goes or maybe if your sim survived then the contacts you have in your mobile get deleted and you can't get back. So, this is Why now almost all People Now use Smartphones.
Now Come to a smartphone, Guys in smartphones you can back up your contacts. There are so many ways with you can do it. But if you are using a wrong way then there could be your contacts in danger.
In Android, third-party apps provide contact backup and restore. But what happens when your backup file gets deleted. So this is not a safe way.

Guys, there are a lot of ways but every way have some problems with it. So
Don't worry because today I am going to tell you the best method with you can backup and restore your contacts at any time anywhere.
Trust me this is the best method you can make your contacts safe for forever. Guys I am going to tell you in this article that How to Backup and Restores Contacts from Google in Android. Guys you know Google is very Big and trustworthy company. You can trust them blindfolded. So if you back up your contacts on Google .you will Never have to worry about this topic. You can access all your contacts at any time at anywhere with just your Gmail id and password. Today I am going to tell you How you can do it. So, first of all, we should talk about that why to need contacts to backup.

Why to Backup Contacts?

Guys, you, me anyone else who uses a smartphone have some important contacts. Maybe we can't get them back if we lost them. No one knows what going to happen with him and if anyway your contacts get deleted you can't do anything by just hoping that you just had to make up a backup.
So thinks these reasons are enough that why backup contacts are very important. So Now without wasting time let's learn that How to Backup and Restore Contacts from Google on Android ?.
Guys first let's learn how to backup and later we'll learn How to restore them back.

How to Backup?

Guys I am going to tell you in simple steps that how to backup contacts on Google. So move to step 1

Step 1:- 

      Guys, first of all, go in your mobile Settings and scroll below till you see account option then go in sync. The section as you can see Below in Pictures.

Step 2:- 

        There you will see google 's icon click on it and go in contact sync. And turn it on. As you can see in Below pictures.

And that's it guys .now whenever you turn on your Mobile data. Your all contacts will be uploaded to your Google account automatically. So, make sure you turn on your mobile data.
Now you have successfully backed up your all contacts. Now let's Move to that How you can Restore your contacts back.

How to Restore Contacts from Google?

So now guys as you have learnt that how to backup? Now when you buy a New Smartphone. Or Need your contacts in a different smartphone just login in with your same which on you backed up your contacts. Now we move to step by step that How you can restore them Back?

Step 1:- 

      Again guys first of all go in the settings. Scroll down till you see Google Option as you can see below in Pictures. Now click on it.

Step 2:-

 Now there you will see an option with Restore your contacts as you can see below in Pictures and that's it, guys. You can check in your contacts that all Contacts are Restored which you made a Backup.

So that's How you can Make backup and Restore your Contacts from Google?

So hopes this article is useful to you. Don't forget to share it with your friends. I will be back with another post for you all. Thank you
Peace !!!😊

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