Top 120+ Google Adsense High Cpc Keywords List 2019

Top 120+ Google Adsense High Cpc Keywords List 2019

If you are getting very high traffic on your website and still not generating much revenue from Google Adsense and it is not because you are not getting clicks but because of your CPC (Cost Per Click) is very low then you are at the right place because here I am going to tell you here about the Highest Paying Keywords of adsense and if you will work on them then you will easily earn thousands of dollars from very low traffic.

Hey guys, My Name is Lokesh from Tech With Logic and here I am going to share with you about Top 120+ Google Adsense High Cpc Keywords List 2019 and if you work on them then you will earn alot money in 2019 with Google Adsense.

What is CPC (Cost Per Click), High CPC and Low CPC Keywords?

CPC is what when someone interacts and clicks on an Ad which is showing on your website and you get money for this particular click. In Google Adsense, we get money from it when visitors on our website/Blog Clicks on any advertisement showing on the website. Resow of Clicks and Page views called CPC.

There are different rates for every click we get and that depends on CPC and if we are getting low revenue that means keywords used in our website are associated with Low CPC and if you want to earn more then you have to work on High CPC keywords instead of low CPC keywords. 

Why High CPC Keywords costs so much High?

Guys, there are many companies which can pay few hundred bucks to get a customer and for that they target on words and pays Google  to show ads on those particular keywords and when we rank our articles on those keywords then we get High CPC ads on our website and when someone clicks on that ads then we get very high CPC.

 this is why you should work on high CPC keywords and you will get up to 1000$ just for a click.

So, this is why we get High CPC from High CPC keywords and now let's talk about High CPC niches in 2019.

Google Adsense High CPC Niche 2019

Guys, before talking about Highest Paying Keywords let's talk about the Highest Paying Niche in 2019 and if you will work on these Niches then you will get very high CPC on all your website articles.

Here I am sharing top 10 high CPC niche in 2019.

  1. Insurance 54$
  2. Electricity 51$
  3. Mortgage 47$
  4. Loan 43$
  5. Lawyer 41.5$
  6. Degree 39$
  7. Credit 37$
  8. Software 33$
  9. Hosting 30$
  10. Trading 29.1$
So, These are the Google Adsense High CPC Niche in 2019

Best Adsense High CPC Keywords List 2019

Guys, here I am going to share a text file with you which have 120-150 Highest Paying CPC keywords with their CPC side by side.

If you work hard on those Google Adsense High CPC Keywords then you will make thousands of dollars from Google Adsense in 2019. 


            In this article, I have shared about Google Adsense High CPC Keywords List 2019. I hope you have liked it and if you do then don't forget to share it with your friends and don't forget to comment your thoughts.
Thank You

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