Hey Guys, How are you doing!!! I am back with another exciting and also important Blogging Related Article for you.
So guys in this article I am going to tell you that How To Add Floating Social Media Share Buttons To Blogger .guys social media Helps you a lot to rank your website higher in Google Search Engine.
Almost every people is on any Social Media Platform, it can be on Facebook, it can be twitter or it can be Instagram or any other social media Platforms.
Someone is there on a social media Platform. So when those people find out about your website, so if they like it useful and should be shared with their friends when they find a share button, and if they find out one then they share it on that social media platforms.
Those people who saw that shared links they will also click on your website's shared link. And you'll get someone new on your website.
So this is how it all works and imagine if your website doesn't have any social media share buttons then that person will not share it and you 'll not get any of new on your website and by the way this thing is also important for SEO because when Google find out that this website is getting more traffic from social media platforms then it will rank your website higher on google search engine .
So is going to tell you how you can do this on blogger. It is also applicable to WordPress. So let's get started...
Floating social media share buttons in Blogger
Guys this is only two minutes work for you, I am going to tell it in step by step so so just follow all the steps carefully.
Step 1:- First of all guys go into your Blogger account and go in the Layout Menu
Which is on the below of the menu Section.
Step 2:- click on add a widget in the sidebar or you can click on anywhere else it will not get affected.
Step 3:- add an HTML and javascript widget.
Step 4:- copy and paste the below code in it
<div class="a2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 a2a_floating_style a2a_default_style" style="bottom:0px; middle:0px;"> <a class="a2a_button_facebook"></a> <a class="a2a_button_twitter"></a> <a class="a2a_button_google_plus"></a> <a class="a2a_button_pinterest"></a> <a class="a2a_dd" href="https://www.addtoany.com/share"></a></div>
<script async src="https://static.addtoany.com/menu/page.js"></script>
Yeah, that's it click on the save button and you can also preview it by clicking on your site.
So guys that for today, I hope it'll be useful for you.
Still, have concerns then Don't feel shy to ask in Comments section And don't be cheap to share it with your friends. So, guys, I am Lokesh from TECH WITH LOGIC will back with another exciting and also important article for you. Thank you
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