How to Check and Correct Grammar in any Article ?

How to Check and Correct Grammar in any Article ?
How to Check and Correct Grammar in any Article ?

Guys if you are not perfect or I say "good at all " in English, then you face a lot of problems. like when you write a message to someone then they makes fun of you , you have to feel shy in your office in front of your officemates and also if you are a blog writer or web developer then if you want to make your website approval from Google Adsense then Adsense does not approve your website or blog because Google also want completed grammar article .
 so, when you apply for google adsense then they just not approve it for saying that your website or blog does not have sufficient content.

This is why it makes you depressed and your depression does not let your website or blog to grow but it makes it exactly opposite .same thing happens in daily life if your grammar is not good then if you talk someone whose English is good then they make fun of you actually they laugh at you.
 so, in real life also you get down and down. you try hard to make your grammar good but some deep mistakes still happen. so guys if you do not want these problems to happen to you then keep reading this article.
because I am going to tell you in this article then how can you check and correct grammar in any document or article?

" guys I want to tell you that you that Grammarly will not teach you English it just help you to correct grammar in your document and blog website articles but still you can learn from your mistakes "

How to Check and Correct Grammer in any document? 

guys, there is a website called Grammarly. yes, guys, this website allows you to check and correct your grammar .the main thing is this is absolutely free. you can use it in your desktop and also in android.
yes, you can use it in your android mobile also through the android app cum keyboard app. through it, you can easily correct your grammar .and become professional in your respective field. and with it from now you will never feel shy in front of anyone else .
 if you are a blogger then your viewers will never comment on your grammar. that your grammar is weak and improves your grammar now as always now I tell you that why you should use Grammarly in place of any other software.

Why use Grammarly

guys every time When we saw a new thing we need their more pros. then the thing, we are currently using. so yes guys there are a lot of pros. then the other software you are currently using.
so the main thing about Grammarly is this is absolutely free .
guys as I know many of you buy grammar tutor or English course so that your grammar can improve. but this is absolutely free and you can use it anywhere else .
yes, this is also a plus point of it guys if you are using desktop MacBook iPad android or any other device you can use Grammarly at anywhere.
the interface of it is very simple and friendly this is why anyone can use it. so these are some highlighted main pros. of it the more you use the more you will know about it. so now we come to the point that how you can use it.

how to use  Grammarly ??

guys as I said interface of Grammarly is very simple and anyone can use it. there are two parts that in which mode you are using it if.

in the desktop:- 

                  guys if you want to use Grammarly in your desktop then open your any browser and go on where you can add an extension to your browser.
then when you type anything there in your browser then it will automatically check about the document 's grammar and you can correct it by manually. so this how you can check and correct grammar desktop?
now move to about on android that how you can use Grammarly on your android.

in Android:- 

                 guys to use Grammarly in android you need to download their Android app from play store as shown below.
this is a keyboard named Grammarly when you open any document then use this keyboard and it will you that how many problems in it and you can easily correct all of them manually. so this how you can use it in android.

so that' s for today guys I hope this post is useful for you. still, have concerns then don'tfeel shy to ask me in comments. this is Lokesh from tech with logic and thank you for reading this.

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